Want to purchase a gift voucher for someone special?
Here’s how it works:
Call the Santa Cruz Symphony office at 831-462-0553 x10. We will take your payment for the gift voucher, as well as the name of the intended recipient. You can buy a gift voucher for tickets for any concert in the 2024-25 Classical Series (Musician Series events not included).
The Symphony mails the gift voucher card to you, to give to the recipient in whatever way you choose. If you want us to mail the gift voucher to the recipient instead, you can give us their address information when you purchase the voucher.
When the recipient is ready to redeem the voucher, they call the Symphony office to choose their preferred concert and seats.
The Symphony makes the recipient’s tickets available at Will Call for the concert(s) they choose.
To buy a gift voucher, call the Santa Cruz Symphony office at 831-462-0553 x10.
Gift vouchers are non-refundable, not exchangeable, and not redeemable for cash.
Vouchers are only redeemable for the concert/price tier listed on the voucher and for concerts in the current 2024-25 season. (You can see the concerts included in the current season at https://santacruzsymphony.org/concerts-events-schedule.