Legacy Giving

The Symphony relies on the thoughtful gifts and bequests of many who have enjoyed the Symphony and want to leave a legacy of music for future generations. If you are interested in including the Santa Cruz Symphony in your estate planning, please contact the office at executivedirector@santacruzsymphony.org or (831) 462-0553 x13 and we would be happy to assist you.

We'd Like To Thank You!

If you have included the Santa Cruz Symphony in your estate plan, let us know. Depending on your wishes, we can thank you by name in our program book or recognize you anonymously. We would also like to include you in our Legacy Society and invite you to Legacy Society events.

It is because of your foresight that we are able to continue providing beautiful music to our community and provide music education to our students.

Thank you!


There are many ways to make a donation to the Symphony. While giving directly via check or credit card are the most common, you can also make donations directly from your IRA or other qualified retirement plan, or donate stock, cars and other assets. Talk to your financial advisor before making any gifts and to discuss ways you can remember the Symphony in your estate plan.


Gifts can be made to the
Santa Cruz County Symphony Assoc. Inc. Tax ID # 94-2373284
Please specify if you would like to apply this gift to the Endowment Fund.
307 Church St.
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
831-462-0553 x13

Suggested Endowment Bequest Language
(for wills and revocable living trusts)

I give to the Santa Cruz County Symphony Association Inc. (EIN 94-2373284), a California not-for-profit corporation located in Santa Cruz CA, _____________________ [e.g. __ percent of my estate, or of the residue of my estate; the sum of $_________dollars; the following described property; the proceeds of the sale of described property; etc.] to become part of the Santa Cruz County Symphony Endowment Fund, which shall be invested and managed by its Board of Directors. Income from this endowment fund shall be used in support of the general operations of the Santa Cruz County Symphony Association. [Or if you have a specific purpose in mind, please contact us at 831-462-0553 x13 to ensure that we can fulfill your wishes.]

Suggested Endowment Beneficiary Language
(for life insurance policies and retirement plan assets)

Beneficiary: Santa Cruz County Symphony Association Endowment (EIN 94-2373284), 307 Church Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060.