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Musician Spotlight - Karen Sremac

When Karen was in the 5th grade, she really wanted to play the cello or violin, but her parents said “no dying cats!”  So instead, she chose the clarinet.  

Her love of the violin and cello didn’t fade.  She later married a violinist with whom she formed the Violeto Trio comprised of the VIOL-in, clarin-ET, and cell-O.  

She has been principal clarinet of the Santa Cruz Symphony since 1992. As far as her goals as a musician, she strives to be “good enough technically that one only hears the music speak to them, uninterrupted.” Also, Karen “loves loves to teach and to be as inspiring and creative as possible.”

As a musician, traffic has become one of her biggest challenges. “I used to enjoy playing 3-4 weddings and/or receptions in different cities and an opera or symphony concert at night! Now I have to plan on only one job at one location to be sure I can get there. When you have fewer jobs, of course it’s hard to make a living.”

Outside of music, Karen loves to spend time with her “horse, dog and kitties.” In fact, if she weren’t a musician, she would like to train seeing eye dogs or other special needs pets. “My first dog was 3rd in the top category of the regional obedience championships... also I was the youngest handler!”

Karen will be performing in our upcoming Spotlight on the Symphony Recital - Woodwinds in Winter - on Sunday Jan. 12, 2020 at Cabrillo College’s Samper Recital Hall at 2pm. Tickets at
