Current Subscribers: Renew by July 18
New Subscribers: Apply now for first pick
As a Santa Cruz Symphony patron, you've enjoyed inspiring music during the 2021-22 season. We know you’ll love our upcoming season as well. You can learn more about the 2022-23 season here.
If you are a season subscriber:
You must renew by Monday, July 18 to guarantee you will have the same seats. After that date, we cannot guarantee that you will have the same seats because someone else may want them.
We will still accept renewals until the day before the first concert on Saturday, September 17, but we can't guarantee you'll have the same seats unless you renew by July 18.
If you didn't receive your renewal form in the mail, please email our office at and we'll send another.
If you aren't a subscriber, please become one! You’ll enjoy many subscriber benefits:
You’ll have the same reserved seat at every concert.
You’ll save up to 15% off single ticket prices.
If you can't make it to a specific concert, you can exchange your seats between the Civic and the Mello by Tuesday before the concert weekend. Your tickets will be waiting at Will Call.
If you’re unable to make either concert in a weekend, you can donate the tickets back to the Symphony. Notify us 48 hours prior to the concert, and you will receive a tax-deductible donation receipt.
If you misplace your tickets, we can reprint them for you one time for free.
Click here to download a subscription form or subscribe online.
Have questions or need assistance? Email us at
If you have already renewed or enrolled as a new subscriber, thank you! We look forward to seeing you at the concerts!