Concert Tonight!

Your Symphony will present Rites of Passage this evening, Saturday, January 15, 2022, at 7:30pm at the Civic Auditorium in Santa Cruz and again on Sunday, January 16, 2022, at 2:00pm at the Mello Center in Watsonville. Maestro Danial Stewart will be conducting Aaron Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man, Caroline Shaw’s Entr’acte, local composer John Wineglass’s Unburied, Unmourned, Unmarked, and Johannes Brahms’ Symphony No. 4 in E minorop 98. We know you will thoroughly enjoy this wonderful concert.

We will, of course, be observing all Public Health Rules for the safety of our patrons, musicians, and production staff. Please arrive a little early to allow time to present your photo ID and evidence of vaccination, or of a negative PCR within 48 hours, or an Antigen test within 24 hours. Masks will be required while inside either venue.

Please check our website for the latest updates on attending the concert There will be an intermission, but no food or drink will be served.

If you are a ticket holder who cannot attend in person, you will be able to view a streaming video of the concert about two weeks after the live performance. Two days before the stream is available, every ticket holder will be emailed a link and a password to watch the video in their homes at any time of the day or night from January 29, 2022 to January 31, 2022. We hope that even if you attend the concert, you will watch this streaming program, which will include the entire concert and some fun surprises!

We look forward to seeing you tonight.

Surprise! A new way to enjoy Your Symphony’s Rites of Passage Concert!

Dear Santa Cruz Symphony Patron,

The Covid-19 pandemic certainly has tested our flexibility during the past two years! It seems that the target keeps moving. Your Symphony Board of Directors, Music Director Daniel Stewart, musicians, production staff, and Symphony staff are doing our best to present a memorable season while keeping you safe. 

Given the changing Covid levels in our county, we have come up with a new way for all of us to enjoy the Symphony. We are now offering the option of streaming the upcoming concert online. This means you can attend in person, wearing a mask and showing your Covid vaccine ID or a negative test. Or you can view the program at home on your computer or computer-enabled TV.

Our musicians and auditorium crews are enthusiastic about making this option possible. It allows them to continue working, and it allows you the choice of how to attend. 

•    If you prefer to attend in person, regular safety protocols will remain in place, as required by the cities and county. Please check our website, for the latest requirements. Attend at the usual time and place. Nothing changes. AND you will automatically receive a password to view the video stream later when it is available.

•   If you prefer to watch from home and already have tickets, Your Symphony will automatically email a password that allows you to stream the program for a few days from the comfort of your home. We will have strategically placed cameras to capture the entire performance, along with some surprise bonus features. 

•   If you prefer to watch from home and do not have tickets, you may purchase the video stream and bonus features by going to and selecting the Pre-Recorded Virtual Concert option. Please ensure that you have provided your most current email so we can send the password.

The streaming program will be available for viewing any time from Saturday-Monday, January 29-31, 2022. A few days before those dates, we will email instructions and the password.

Thank you for your continued support and faithfulness! Please know that Your Symphony considers the safety of our patrons, musicians, and staff to be of the utmost importance. We are pleased to be able to offer these viewing options for our Rites of Passage concert. Your Symphony sincerely appreciates all you do for us and for the artistic community.